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La vie en rose and Québec, Brazil

Hi LorenaBr, Lucia!

I am loving your blog! I just came from the Jack Paradise page, where you have linked the instrumental version of "La vie en rose." I wondered if everyone here knows that this song was made famous by the amazing chanteuse Edith Piaf, whom I have adored since the 60s, when my roommate and I used to sing her songs in French crossing campus together in Madison, Wisconsin.

There is a documentary film of her life entitled: Edith Piaf: La Vie en Rose ( 1998 ).

For a link to the lyrics of the song, here is the URL: (I don't know how to make that an active link in this format; so just copy and paste the URL into your browser.)

I think it would be great to have a sound or audio clip of her singing it, but, currently, I don't have that. Maybe there is one at etc.

I also love the page on your novel in progress, Québec, Brazil. I am greatly looking forward to reading it after it is published (and translated into English, I hope! ).

I also enjoyed seeing you on the "moi" page for the first time. I hope to meet you in June in Montréal and St-Hyacinthe, Québec!

Re: La vie en rose and Québec, Brazil

Here's a link to Piaf's Carnegie Hall clip:

(no restrictions according to the site)

I can play it on RealPlayer version 10 (had to upgrade and add some components on to my RP 8 to get this clip to play but it was worth it!)

Re: La vie en rose and Québec, Brazil

JeSuisReine, thanx for the kind words, and I know you mean it.

It was a pleasant surprise to discover you also appreciate La Vie en Rose, this delightful and optmistic French song, and Edith Piaf. I heard the song in RealPlayer as suggested by you.

Québec, Brazil is already translated to English, thanx to the assistance of Steamy. She corrected and deskcopied the English version of the novel. It is already registered in the United States as well. I´ve indicated Steamy as co-author of the English version, and we are thinking in terms of a future association as regards translation of my novels.

I hope you´ll be visiting Michaelmania whenever you find time. As I said, yr presence is essential in every board, not only because you have an alluring personality, but also because of the knowledge and information you so generously bring.