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Gostei muito do seu site! ele é bem completo e variado.No que se refere ao personagem Michael tbém sou super fã dele! gosto mais dele nessa época do que agora que está de barba parecendo que é mais velho que é... não gosto dele rindo, enfim, só gosto dele sério, falando baixinho e babando pela Nikita! rss
Fico no aguardo do seu contato!



Também concordo com vc, Sandra. Ele falando baixinho, quase sussurando e com aquele ar sério e dramático é muito mais atraente.

Fico feliz que vc tenha gostado deste blog.


Not sure if this is the right thread for this reply so feel free to move this post if it's best suited in another area.
Quote from the Feb.8th blog:
"This need to find an archetype in other human beings, grossly speaking, is a manner for you to believe in yourself and your fellowmen, in the sense you want to find certain characteristics you value in yourself and in the archetype you are seeking for. Have I made myself understood?"
Yes. I find this to be very true. Sometimes I think unexplained feelings and attractions are a way of our subconcious telling us something about ourselves. May be it's a quality or trait in some one else that we want to have more of, within ourselves. Or maybe it's a quality about the person that reminds us of what is most important to us. Appearance can always spark an intial attraction but it's these characteristics in someone, that you speak of in this blog, that determine if the admiration or intrigue lasts for more than a month or so.