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Suzuki gt 250 k

HI Everybody i am after a set of good race exhaust chambers to suit my gt250k. thanks.

Re: Suzuki gt 250 k

for actual racing or road use? For road use you could look for early RG250 chambers, they will work with some mods to the header pipes. For actual racing you could make some, think I have some drawings here somewhere. chris

Re: Suzuki gt 250 k

hi Chris they are for raceing i have a set of allspeeds on at the moment but i am chasing more power.

Re: Suzuki gt 250 k

Hi Don, I have just noted that I already have the chamber drawings on site, but they are for T20, I am sure they would not be too different for GT250.

Re: Suzuki gt 250 k

Hi Chris , I did come across that drawing thanks . I might try and put aside some time and make a set. Thanks heaps.