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Ct 110's postie bikes

Any one interested in a ride? You don't need to be a member of CCJMC just keen on Fun

Rhonda mystery Trek's may become regular (2of) and annual events, these are for
all members and run to accommodate the Red Honda Postie bike riders and any
other member that cares to participate on any motorcycle.

The ride will be held on Saturday September 3rd. Start will be in Loch,145.660172&spn=0.370194,1.043

Gippsland @ 10.30am and run a loop through the area covering about 250k's with a
couple of fuel stops and Lunch along the way. Accommodation can be booked for
the Saturday evening for those staying the night after early evening drinks and
dinner @ the Royal Hotel, prices for share room @ pub is around $30 a night per
person and the meals are great value.

We need to book the Pub for those staying so please put your hand-up, also this
(loch) is close enough to travel back home if you need to leave the fun early &
miss the stories, due to early Sunday commitments.

Phil Watkins

Re: Ct 110's postie bikes

hi Phil, you should also put this in the rides/events category.