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search for relative

Can anyone get in touch with me as to the location of KIdwar Nagar in

Kanpur. My great grand father left there for Trinidad around 105 years ago. Although we,that is one relative and myself, keep in touch by mail, I would a faster service and I should point that I am illiterate in Hindi and my relative is illiterate in English.

Re: search for relative

I can help you in getting Kidwai nagar.well I am from Kanpur but at the moment I am in germany for my Ph.D.
So if you want to know more about it I wud help you.By the way I am bit late when I see your message.
well best wishes

Re: search for relative

hi dont know,
ich auch bin im deutschland? wo genau bist du? ich bin in Munichen.

viel spaß
inder !!!