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Re: Re: Alumini of 77 batch of Mariampur convent,Kanpur

Hi Sabitha,
Nice hearing from you after all these years. how are you?
I do remember you. I was the one who was dark and had ve.....ry long hair. Now remember? Mariampur days can never be forgotten. Our great Sr.Monica who used to come thundering, Mrs. Ramachandran with her Caesar nose, Huge Mrs.Sharma our hindi teacher and the beautiful gardens of our school are non-erasable memories.Neena has become a doctor and is working in Mariampur hospital. Sutapa Bandopadhaya(now God knows what her surname is!)is the maths teacher in place of Mrs.Subramaniam. It so happenend that I was travelling to Kanpur in 1987 and was six months pregnant with my second child and with a two year daughter in tow, I met Sr.Patricia (our Physics teacher) in the train. I recognised her and imagine the joy on her face to discover who I was. It was great yaar. She gave me the little news that I've mentioned above.
I am happily settled in Chennai, married a doctor, and now my daughter has completed her graduation and son is in engineering college.
I thank God for all that he has given us.
Great connecting to you.
Do keep in touch.


Re: Re: Re: Alumini of 77 batch of Mariampur convent,Kanpur


Iam Devasish studied in Mariampur 1977. I was in 8th Sec A. Our class teacher was Mrs Kapoor.( Late ) Miss Ghosh was our biology teacher. She was wonderful. We were very close to Sr. Patricia. Mrs Ramachandran was really having a furious character. She would punish only the boys! Sr. Terissina our drawing teacher was too frustrated with her job we felt.She used to scold us in every class. She would say "JYOTHEE ( Jyoti ) I can see you, I will punish you". We would say "sister today Jyoti is absent".
Mrs Sharma( Hindi teacher),Miss Ghosh, Mrs Mani
(Maths teacher),Sr Patricia ( Moral science teacher) was really affectionate.
If anyone of that batch pl contact.

Re: Alumini of 77 batch of Mariampur convent,Kanpur

Hi, I was two years behind, but I remember many of you - Anju, Sonia, Krishnaveni, Sutapa. I finished ninth grade in 1977 and then my family moved to Chennai and I have not been back to Kanpur since. I met Sr.
Christopher in Chennai once adn was in touch with her for a few years and hav esince lost touch. I remember Ms. Mani, Miss Dutt, Ms. Sharma and Sr. teresita!
If there is anyone from my class out there
(Neena, nalini, sadhana, Parvinder, Bharti,...) I would love to hear from you. By the way, I ran into Krishnaveni 20 years ago at Purdue University in teh US. She was doign a post doc and I was studying for a Ph. D. Small world!

Re: Re: Alumini of 77 batch of Mariampur convent,Kanpur

I do remember you. It,s indeed a small world. Nice knowing that Krishna is a Ph.D. She was the first to get married in our batch. I do feel nostalgic about Mariampur days. I am very happy having heard from you. Please keep in contact.

Re: Re: Re: Alumini of 77 batch of Mariampur convent,Kanpur

Hi Meena,

Very nice to hear from you. But I cannot remember
your face. I am sure I would recognize you if we met.
Are you in touch with people at the school? Do you
live in kanpur? Hope to hear back.

Re: Re: Re: Alumini of 77 batch of Mariampur convent,Kanpur

Dear Meena,

I remembered something else. Krishnaveni's husband was also at Purdue University doing a post-doc. And she had just arrived after finishing her Ph.D. This was in 1986,
a long time ago. I left Purdue in 1989 and have lost
touch with everyone. Anyone know where Sr. Christopher is? We used to correspond for many years and then silence.
Thanks for replying, it was great to hear from you.
