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Re: Re: Missing my beloved kanpur.

Dear Shalu,
Interesting to read your post. I am doing research to bring some changes in the city where I was born and hit this site and found the forum.

Let me first answer the question what we miss about Kanpur. It is said that however our childhood was we only remeber the best memories of it. Just like whether our mother is ugliest, we miss her love with all sweet memories. We do not have the sweet memories of miss world in our lives. Secondly, as an adult isn't it our responsibility to fix the broken roof in hour house, feed our hungry brother ans sisters, fix the roads. Well, there can only be two things either we are not capable of doing anything. In that case we let our more capable city diamonds hand us some light. Or we are irresponsible suckers of the city that took whatever it had to offer and flea from there and accuse it on top of that.
(Sorry, for a bit emotionally carried away tone. But it is in no ones' favor to say that a bad is a bad because it deserve that.)

I will take this opportunity to mention that I have copied email ID from here and would be sending an introduction mail to all of you. I am not saving these emails and would not send any reminders of any kind. But I am interested in finding resourceful Kanpurites who would like to do something about the place.

Thank you.

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wonder wat u r missin in knp???? the dust the pigs or the guys who r phd in eve teasin? i m happy enough to b out of it. tried doin somthin for city,couldnt do much. no one on the city wants a change. they r not bothered. well i got out of that city right in time. now no more tempowalas, no mahabhrashth police . i can write a whole book on DOWN FALL OF KANPUR. and...........for the kind information of those who r wonderin whos this spilling so much filth bout their b loved city i shoul tell u i spent 20 yrs of my life there. hope one day somthin will change

Re: Missing my beloved kanpur.

Hi Tanveer,
I thought only I am the one who loves kanpur soooo much, but i appreciate your views. Unfortunately, I am not so luckey to go back, as I left Kanpur wayback in 1996 when i was just 19, after getting admission in IIT Mumbai, but I joined merchant navy and distances from Kanpur widened and due to sea going profession I bought a flat at mumbai. Gap increased more when I decided to quit seagoing profession and came at London to get the MBA degree in shipping and now lost in london. I can never forget my 19 years at kanpur, studies, competition and my PPN College and HBTI. All that was a fun and achievement, but from very beginning when I left Kanpur, I decided to visit once every year and I am again going there by Jan end. But ur views are outstandind n i am proud of beeing Kanpurites!!!!!!!
Om Bajpai