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Re: Anyone from Mariampur 1988 10th grade

Hi there,

Just the name Mariampur brought back some lovely memories, unfortunately, I was there 10 years before you !! so woudn't know anyone that you knew, sorry..

Hope someone gets in touch with you.

Are you still in Kanpur? Wud like to know how it is now in Kanpur..


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Replying to:

Hi Is there anyone from Mariampur School graduated from 10th in 1988. Would love to talk about our good old days. That were the best days of my school life. Would love to be in contact with someone.

Re: Re: Anyone from Mariampur 1988 10th grade

Kanpur is still well & good getting upgraded at some places & looted & spoiled by politicians on the other hand. the two major express ways under-const. may change the life over here.
Industries growing, schools increasing & their fees too. Leather industry is uncontrolled & eating up Holy Ganga.

Re: Anyone from Mariampur 1988 10th grade

i completed my 10th in 1987 , i still have lot of memories in my mind . i studied in mariampur school since nusery to 10th class.