Talking All Night Fan Discussion Board

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Talking All Night Fan Discussion Board
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Hi all!

Don't know if anyone is out there anymore, but hey. Believe it or not, I just heard what happened to Lori. Sucks! I used to visit the old board, gee, I guess it must've been around 1998-2000, pretty frequently. Ah the good ole days. I remember it being taken down once or twice, but it always came back, even if I didn't have the time to visit as often.

I've been out of the H&O loop for a while. Didn't have much to do tonight so at my hubby's prompting I was looking up old videos on youtube. That led me to google the guys just to see if anything was up. When I came across a rumor there might be a new cd coming out soon, I wanted to chat with others about it. I thought something was amiss with no board. Luckily, this site came up in a search too.

I hope Lori is doing well. Ironically, I lost my job around the same time she did. Last day I worked was April 24 and I'm still looking. Though I admit, even in a bad economy, I'm trying to be picky enough to find the right job after my last crappy experience. I hope she's had better luck than me.

Glad to see H&O fans still have a home--that is assuming everyone remains a fan. As for myself, I don't think I could ever give up the music. I've never really held the guys on a pedestal or anything, though I would hope they have some scruples and morals. Still, the music is why I'm a fan and that hasn't changed...yet.

If anyone actually reads this long rambling post, I do have a bit of a random question. In a recent blog post, John had a dog called Mr. Jeepers. Anyone know if that is his dog? Just so happens I have a Maine Coon cat named Geep. He kind of got his name by accident, though. We adopted him and his name was Georgie Porgie which was just too lame. So we shortened it to GP for short, but Geep is much easier to yell when he gets in trouble. And he gets in trouble a lot! Still, strange coincidence if John's dog has a similar name.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. And here's hoping things in H&O land improve very soon.