Talking All Night Fan Discussion Board

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Talking All Night Fan Discussion Board
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Re: Re: H&O board gone!

If you're here, you're in.

Re: Re: Re: H&O board gone!

As being the first poster on the RSI/H& DB; I say R.I.P.

8/28/97 to 4/9/08. You deserve a better death than what happened and the lady who created it; sure did.

Well, hope fully this board has a nice run now. Yeah, you kept this board for a reason.

Re: Re: H&O board gone!

Hello it's John Baptist,Sorry for the loss, count me in . The Baptist

Re: H&O board gone!

Thank you, Roger. I really appreciate you opening up your board to us.

I've got a lot of raw emotion going on right now, but I will keep it in check.

I see things a lot differently now. Basically, I'm waking up from a 24 year sleep. This is a good time for me to take stock in things.

Tomorrow, I am taking down Daryl and John's picture from my cubicle at work.

Re: Re: H&O board gone!

I can not believe the events that have occured in the last week. I went to the board and found that it had in fact been taken down.

Although I can't say I was the first poster on the DB as Saif was I HAVE been around the various sites/boards since Lori first started them up. I have loved the guys and their music since 1973.

I am very saddened to hear what has been done to Lori after all her years of blood, sweat, tears and endless hours of work she has done to keep things running and keep us all informed. If D & J had something to do with letting her go I'm afraid they have definitely sent the wrong message to their diehard fans, making us feel like we don't matter to them anymore..........

Thanks for having this board for us shellshocked people, Roger!! :o)

Re: Re: Re: H&O board gone!

Shellshocked is right.
I feel like this is a bad dream......especially when I went over to H& last night and saw that little blurb about Lori and the Discussion Board is down...of course it is.
No one can handle it like Lori did.
I don't understand what these wonderful things are that are going to be done to H&
No monitor, no one to ask when there is a problem, no one to post videos, no one who really CARES.
D&J you really blew it this time!
Has anyone else had a hard time getting into AAC?
It won't take my passowrd, the one I've had since it's inception.
Hey! theres no one to ask!

Ok, sorry I'm too upset.
See ya all later.
Thanks Roger for having this board.

Re: Re: Re: Re: H&O board gone!

ditto on all you've said !

Re: H&O board gone!

Well, I'm pretty late to the party. I went to the official site last week and was disappointed to see the message there that everyone else has seen . . . and no discussion board. The biggest shocker was how abrupt it was. I hope that Lori is OK. I wish there were some way to send her my good wishes. And thanks to Roger for keeping this board going and making it open to all of us!