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Avon match 17th Feb

Any decision made yet on the venue for 17th Feb.

Re: Avon match 17th Feb

Hi Mike.

I spoke to Chris Clarke last night who said the repair work is isolated and should not affect our match. He added it is fishing very well at the moment with rockling, flounder, pout and bass making up catches.

I will be travelling to the venue on Thursday 8th to have a look for myself. I expect the match to go ahead as planned, with smaller placing between pegs the probable option.

I've also had some feedback regarding the 'Golden Peg' with two former Individual Champions suggesting that the GP be paid out on the night to any winner, rather than just Zone or Match Winners. Perahps even a 60-40 split in the GP so that it doesn't exceed the winnings of the anglers. What do you and/or everybody else think?

Will update website re Highcliffe at weekend.

Tight lines till then. TS.