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And now, the end is near......

On behalf of everyone here at FreakFm I want to thank everyone who has tuned in to our little station. I hope we have made some difference and hope to again in the future as soon as we can...

Smiley and crew

Re: And now, the end is near......

Hey smiley

thanks for the link

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Replying to:

On behalf of everyone here at FreakFm I want to thank everyone who has tuned in to our little station. I hope we have made some difference and hope to again in the future as soon as we can...

Smiley and crew

And now, the end is not near......!

O.K I have some serious info:Freak FM may be back soon!I know a place for a studio.I won't say where ,but Smiley:I know you & I know you will like tnis info.More soon.

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Replying to:

On behalf of everyone here at FreakFm I want to thank everyone who has tuned in to our little station. I hope we have made some difference and hope to again in the future as soon as we can...

Smiley and crew