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Re: Re: Re: To the crack whore

The Crack Whore is no more.

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Replying to:


give out my fucking number,

just remember i know where u live and ur number 2

fuck u crack whore

and stop mocking 1st years

i bet when ye went into 1st year ye probably got kicked around the place

i would have seen that

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Replying to:

U give my e-mail to anyone else and u will fucking die. I'll give ur fone number to every fuckhead i know and u will be plagued. And i fucking mean it u stupid fuckface. Oh shit what was ur no. again???? 0868938323 was it???? Never underestimate the power of the crack whore.

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Replying to:

Hey crack whore,

who the fuck is this radiohead guy?

ill send u an e-mail

and watch out for more e-mail's from some midges in primary school