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6 ways to beat poverty

1.If you like upper-class living in your social life,1 way to get a classy suit isto go to afunreal wait until it's over ,then dig up the body remove the suit and(if your dog is hungry bring him along and let him have a 3 course meal,head,toes and legs)now you have aperfect suit

Re: 6 ways to beat poverty

what if u dont have a dog? or already have a suit?

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Replying to:

1.If you like upper-class living in your social life,1 way to get a classy suit isto go to afunreal wait until it's over ,then dig up the body remove the suit and(if your dog is hungry bring him along and let him have a 3 course meal,head,toes and legs)now you have aperfect suit

Re: Re: 6 ways to beat poverty

If your poor you can't afford a suit or dog food