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Re: Dj sikobitch is boring

pj, i'd rather not but thanks for asking. although, i would like the lord jesus christ our saviour's email address if anyone has it. if you need some spiritual guidance just dial 1550-555-pray.

jesus love you pj. sikobitch

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Replying to Original Article:

Oh John,

Harder harder harder

Oh shit im typing this

Dj sikobitch is a piece of shit

With her holy stuff

Im not really Killean Hickey, But,

If u want to know who I am e-mail me

By Eric Daly

Oh shit

e-mail me anyway

I want to suck ur blood i mean talk to u

So please e-mail me soon

Preferbly Dj Sikobitch

But anyone can

Re: Re: Dj sikobitch is boring


Ur still boring,

I live near u, I stalk u every night

U have a dick, u wank urself everynight,

U have nice pj's

Stephen Moylan loves u

He is here with me

Will u meet him!!!????????????!!!

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to Original Article:

pj, i'd rather not but thanks for asking. although, i would like the lord jesus christ our saviour's email address if anyone has it. if you need some spiritual guidance just dial 1550-555-pray.

jesus love you pj. sikobitch

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to Original Article:

Oh John,

Harder harder harder

Oh shit im typing this

Dj sikobitch is a piece of shit

With her holy stuff

Im not really Killean Hickey, But,

If u want to know who I am e-mail me

By Eric Daly

Oh shit

e-mail me anyway

I want to suck ur blood i mean talk to u

So please e-mail me soon

Preferbly Dj Sikobitch

But anyone can