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Re: who is gay??


andy capp here ring me now if you wnat spanish fags i have an important message for you gggaaassaaaaaaassssshhhhhsskdsjfssdlkjglakdfjb jdsfadkgjfladfkjhlkg!!!!!!!!???!!?

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whhhhhaaaaaaatttttt the fuck is that about?? i get convicted of rapeing 3 little boys once, and the name sticks with me forever. i swear, ill kill ye all you cum-guzzeling bastards. by the way, how come i have 4 boyfriends ?? why dont you all show your faces around my my gaff and then ye can show yer asses and well see how it goes from there. i cant remember how many said i wasnt gay but thanks for the support guys. i just dont understand how my secret got out in the first place. oh well, fuckit, i am going to play some SIMcity. by the way, all in freak, if i had credit or time i would text you guys every once in a while, but i never do, so i never will. maybe one night i may grace ye with my presense and then the good loveing will start, you hear that smiley?? ........................ the goooooooooooddd loving. elvira aint that good, been there, fucked that, now her brother.......... thats just a total different story. aight cheerio kids.