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The Wireless Set No. 19 Group Chat Area
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Re: Wireless Set No.27 Canadian

Wireless Set No. 27 was a man pack transceiver developed in 1940. Use: short range Infantry communication. Frequency range: three spot frequencies 22.5 MHz, 23.5MHz and 24.5MHz; receiver 22-25MHz. Superreg circuit. RF output 0.25W. R/T only. Only very few produced. (This info is from the website "Wireless for the Warrior" which may be seen at )

The WS#19 Group is being polled to check for any further first-hand info by members. If that bears fruit, an additional entry will be made to this reply.

Do you own a serviceable 19 Set? Several

Re: Wireless Set No.27 Canadian

Hi David,

I have a WS27CAN that is fairly complete. It has set, battery box and set of spare valves & coils. I also have some info on it. What is it you wish to know?

Bruce ve7mt

Do you own a serviceable 19 Set? many

Re: Wireless Set No.27 Canadian

Hello Bruce.

Nice to hear another set has survived in Canada! I got mine at a flea market in Vancouver in 1982: Canvas Carry Satchel with Instruction Card in the inside lid, Set, headphones, battery box with Willard inside but alas, no Spare Coils Case, which I gather is very similar to the battery box.

The problem I have recently discovered is with the foam rubber??? cushions on the head set. They have undergone a VERY bizarre deterioration. Seems to start by the material liquifying from the inside into a very sticky tar-like substance which sticks to everything, and unfortunately loves to dissolve wrinkle finish No. 2 Brown Paint.

After a period of time, this goo hardens into a very brittle substance. I have now got to very carefully try and figure out how to rescue the bakelite earphone assemblies from inside the goo and then try and find replacement cushions.

The cushions seem to have been a very slim design to fit under the standard wartime helmet. Do you know if they were ever used on any other Canadian or British Wireless equipment? If yours are still on your set and in good condition, do keep an eye on them regularly. The deterioration starts with the outer edges hardening and small sandlike bits rubbing off.

Best regards,


Do you own a serviceable 19 Set? Yes