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Welcome to the Pomeranian Forum.A friendly place for all lovers of the Pomeranian breed to meet and discuss all aspects of owning[ I should say being owned by a Pomeranian].A place to share grooming, training, feeding tips etc.Have fun and enjoy your Pomeranian

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new litter concerns


My 7lb. pom had her second litter on 6-27-03 at about 6:00 P.M. She had 4-2 boys/2 girls. One died the next morning possibly due to internal problems-not sure-did take to vet with in two hours of being born. Anyway, the remaining puppies appear to be strong and healthy. They weight between 2.5 and 2.9 ounces when the vet weighed them. However, I was told by some one who raises dogs that they are too small and may also die as did their sister-she was 3.3 ounces. Is this true are they too small? The father is 5.5lbs. My females first litter the pup were born at 4 and 5 ounces. Can you please help shed some light on this distressing news. I am now worried about the poms being too small and not making it. I thought they were perfect sizes and tiny just as they should be. Please help.

Re: new litter concerns

I have reared babies under 2 oz. But ideally I would like a new born pomeranian baby to be 3 to 4 oz at birth.

Your babies are small but do not give up hope of them surviving. Just take it a day at a time-making sure they are drinking, that Mum has milk and of course that she is making sure they go to the toilet.Let us know how you are going with these babies.

Good luck Denise

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My 7lb. pom had her second litter on 6-27-03 at about 6:00 P.M. She had 4-2 boys/2 girls. One died the next morning possibly due to internal problems-not sure-did take to vet with in two hours of being born. Anyway, the remaining puppies appear to be strong and healthy. They weight between 2.5 and 2.9 ounces when the vet weighed them. However, I was told by some one who raises dogs that they are too small and may also die as did their sister-she was 3.3 ounces. Is this true are they too small? The father is 5.5lbs. My females first litter the pup were born at 4 and 5 ounces. Can you please help shed some light on this distressing news. I am now worried about the poms being too small and not making it. I thought they were perfect sizes and tiny just as they should be. Please help.