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Re: Collapsed Trachea

I have a female Pomeranian that has also been diagnosed with a collapsing trachea. The vet is right about leaving it alone unless a problem such as in infection in the throat happens, if this does happen your dog will appear listless and may do strange things such as turn around in circles. If this starts, take the dog to the vet immediately(and tell them about the collapsed trachea) as it is possibly a sign that the dog is not getting any air through to her/his lungs. I don't mean to worry you but it happened to my dog two days in a row a few months ago before the vet found on the second visit that her airway had completely closed off due to an infection. Luckily, our vet did a thorough exam the second time it happened and discovered the problem as I don't know what would have happened if I hadn't insisted that there was something seriously wrong. The vet couldn't find anything wrong initially as by the time she arrived at the vet's office, she was breathing again. It was only the second visit that they did an x-ray and saw that her trachea had completely closed off. If it keeps happening, there is an operation that can be done to keep the airway open but that is only a last resort. Fortunately, my dog is fine now and hasn't had the problem recurr since then.

You just have to be more careful with the animal that has been diagnosed with collapsing trachea just to make sure that what happened to my dog doesn't happen.

Hope this is of some help to you.

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Replying to:

hi... my vet suggest my pomerian might have a collapsed trachea. and he said that if it isnt to serious its best left alone, is this true? is there anything that i can do to prevent him having having a strong attack.

Re: Collapsed Trachea

One thing I forgot to mention is that if your dog appears to be hacking or coughing, that is a sign that the trachea has closed off slightly and he/she is trying to breathe again. What I do for my dog then, is gently rub the front of her throat with my hand. I don't know if it actually does anything but she always seems to be better afterwards so it can't hurt to do so.

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Replying to:

hi... my vet suggest my pomerian might have a collapsed trachea. and he said that if it isnt to serious its best left alone, is this true? is there anything that i can do to prevent him having having a strong attack.

Re: Collapsed Trachea

THANKS for your help cathy .... i just hope that his condition isnt to serious.

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Replying to:

hi... my vet suggest my pomerian might have a collapsed trachea. and he said that if it isnt to serious its best left alone, is this true? is there anything that i can do to prevent him having having a strong attack.