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Welcome to the Pomeranian Forum.A friendly place for all lovers of the Pomeranian breed to meet and discuss all aspects of owning[ I should say being owned by a Pomeranian].A place to share grooming, training, feeding tips etc.Have fun and enjoy your Pomeranian

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Re: New Pom Owner (twofold!) quickly things can change. I got up this morning to find that the puppy had died last night. I am totally devastated. She seemed to be doing so well, but yesterday I noticed she was real shaky when she tried to lift her head and cried a lot. Poor little thing. She was exactly one week old. Seeing as how we've never raised a newborn, we didn't know if this was normal or not so we didn't do anything. I'm sure nobody could have done anything anyway. I hope BJ (mother) is okay. She seems fine, but confused as to what we did with her baby. I took everything out of her cage that would have the smell on it, but she is still searching. I feel horrible. And then I had to leave her and go to work, but I'm going to drive home during lunch and check on her.