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Welcome to the Pomeranian Forum.A friendly place for all lovers of the Pomeranian breed to meet and discuss all aspects of owning[ I should say being owned by a Pomeranian].A place to share grooming, training, feeding tips etc.Have fun and enjoy your Pomeranian

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New Pom Owner (twofold!)

Hi there. I received a pet quality Pom ("BJ") from my sister-in-law at Christmas this year. She is one year old and I was with when they bought her last year. It turned out she was pregnant and one week ago today she went into labor. (we were told she wouldn't have the puppies for another 2 weeks!) The first puppy got stuck and we had to rush her to the ER and she had to have a C-section. They were able to save the 2nd puppy and momma and baby seem to be doing well now. I guess I don't have any specific questions right now, but thought I would introduce myself, because I'm sure some will pop up later now that I own two Poms and another Shepard mix that we've had for 9 years. This appears to be a very iformative site.

Re: New Pom Owner (twofold!) quickly things can change. I got up this morning to find that the puppy had died last night. I am totally devastated. She seemed to be doing so well, but yesterday I noticed she was real shaky when she tried to lift her head and cried a lot. Poor little thing. She was exactly one week old. Seeing as how we've never raised a newborn, we didn't know if this was normal or not so we didn't do anything. I'm sure nobody could have done anything anyway. I hope BJ (mother) is okay. She seems fine, but confused as to what we did with her baby. I took everything out of her cage that would have the smell on it, but she is still searching. I feel horrible. And then I had to leave her and go to work, but I'm going to drive home during lunch and check on her.