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Welcome to the Pomeranian Forum.A friendly place for all lovers of the Pomeranian breed to meet and discuss all aspects of owning[ I should say being owned by a Pomeranian].A place to share grooming, training, feeding tips etc.Have fun and enjoy your Pomeranian

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Re: Feeding

When I got my 8 week old pom I tried to keep it on dry food as much as possible because If the little guy/girl gets used to it then it will be easier when he is older.

Try puting a handful of dry food in the bowl, and add a spoonful of moist food and mix it together. If the pom is still having a rough time trying to chew the pieces, add a little water. Although his/her stool will be a bit runny, the pom will get used to trying to bit the pieces and get used to dry food, and eventually stray away from the moist food and go to dry for when he/she is older.

It worked on my sweetheart. I am glad to see you are concerned about your new puppy and good luck

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Replying to:

Myfamily has just adopted a 6 week old Pomeranan Pppy. Wat is reccmonded fo feeding this "little" guy? Is dry food reccomended wen he's older? Thank you

Re: Feeding

Sheila, A 6 week old puppy should be with it's mother. A puppy should not leave to go to it's new home until at least 8 weeks of age. You should be trying to feed this baby a soft mushy food and puppy milk. You can leave a good quality dry food and water available during the day for puppy, but please do not expect 6 week old baby to eat dry dogs food.Keep away from Supermarket dry food if possible. Also any type of dry food that is brightly colored. This is only dye. You should have received a diet chart from the breeder of the puppy and a sample of the food your baby was being feed.But then I am shocked that someone would let a 6 week old puppy go to a new home.

If you want your puppy to develop into a strong healthy Pomeranian you must feed a correct diet now. I would advise you to take your puppy to your closest vet for a health check, worming and vaccination. Whilst there get advice on feeding.Good luck Denise

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Replying to:

Myfamily has just adopted a 6 week old Pomeranan Pppy. Wat is reccmonded fo feeding this "little" guy? Is dry food reccomended wen he's older? Thank you

Re: Re: Feeding

I'm sorry for the confusion! My family adopted Shadow when he was 6 weeks... we're not bringing him home until he's 8 weeks old, which will be Saturday (I can't wait!). I agreewith you that any pet should not be brought home until they're at LEAST 8 weeks old. Thank you for the feeding info!

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Replying to:

Sheila, A 6 week old puppy should be with it's mother. A puppy should not leave to go to it's new home until at least 8 weeks of age. You should be trying to feed this baby a soft mushy food and puppy milk. You can leave a good quality dry food and water available during the day for puppy, but please do not expect 6 week old baby to eat dry dogs food.Keep away from Supermarket dry food if possible. Also any type of dry food that is brightly colored. This is only dye. You should have received a diet chart from the breeder of the puppy and a sample of the food your baby was being feed.But then I am shocked that someone would let a 6 week old puppy go to a new home.

If you want your puppy to develop into a strong healthy Pomeranian you must feed a correct diet now. I would advise you to take your puppy to your closest vet for a health check, worming and vaccination. Whilst there get advice on feeding.Good luck Denise

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Replying to:

Myfamily has just adopted a 6 week old Pomeranan Pppy. Wat is reccmonded fo feeding this "little" guy? Is dry food reccomended wen he's older? Thank you