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Welcome to the Pomeranian Forum.A friendly place for all lovers of the Pomeranian breed to meet and discuss all aspects of owning[ I should say being owned by a Pomeranian].A place to share grooming, training, feeding tips etc.Have fun and enjoy your Pomeranian

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I have a Pom that stays in a crate while I am gone during the day and she also sleeps in it at night. I try to leave her water in a dish, but she always turns it over and chews on it. I bought a dish the fastens to the side of her crate, now she puts her paws in the dish and splashes all the water out. I do not like leaving her with no water, but I don't like her laying in a wet crate either. Does anyone have some suggestions as to what I can do?

Crate Waterer

I bought a water bottle that attaches to the crate that has a stainless steel spout with a ball bearing in it that prevents the water from leaking but it keeps a water bubble to attract the dog to it as the dog licks it it allows drops of water out. I got mine from Petco a petstore in the States.

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Replying to:

I have a Pom that stays in a crate while I am gone during the day and she also sleeps in it at night. I try to leave her water in a dish, but she always turns it over and chews on it. I bought a dish the fastens to the side of her crate, now she puts her paws in the dish and splashes all the water out. I do not like leaving her with no water, but I don't like her laying in a wet crate either. Does anyone have some suggestions as to what I can do?

Re: No Subject

Well, I hope that your Pom only has to stay in the crate for short periods of time.You could try one of those water feeder things that they use for cavies [ guinea pigs] . But please only use this part of the time as Pomeranians can not get enough water through one of these and can end up with kidney problems from lack of water if the feeder is the permanent source of water. Bye Denise

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Replying to:

I have a Pom that stays in a crate while I am gone during the day and she also sleeps in it at night. I try to leave her water in a dish, but she always turns it over and chews on it. I bought a dish the fastens to the side of her crate, now she puts her paws in the dish and splashes all the water out. I do not like leaving her with no water, but I don't like her laying in a wet crate either. Does anyone have some suggestions as to what I can do?