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Re: color

Could you send me a picture of your pom. My email is in this message. Take care Denise Leo, Dochlaggie Pomeranians

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I received my pom when he was 8 months old. At that time is coat was red. Now he is red, white, blond, black, brown, blond, every color possible. Has anyone else experienced this problem? If so, what did you pom color end up?

Re: color

At 8 months they have only just left the "uglies" stage. lol. The coat changes are normal, not a problem, so don't worry. No breeder can specifically tell exactly what color a pom will turn out to as an adult unless it is brown or blue (when the nose is a different color) and sometimes not even them for sure. Most pom pup have the same "wolfish" color as babies except for black (I'm not sure about blue and brown) Black is usually pretty easy to tell, but even they can mismark and develop white in the wrong places in the adult coat.

Your pom probably won't show his true colors/coat density until he is almost 3 yo. Even then the shades will continue to evolve somewhat. Your pom is probably a red sable. Sable refers to the brown/black coloration occuring like a saddle on the back and sprinkling elsewhere. The red is usually a real "irish setter" red, though some breeders say it is really only a dark orange. Kind of a debate there. Generally the underbelly is a much lighter shade of the main color on the back. If there is a drastic color difference (red on top, true white on belly) it is considered a mismark or fault. Many poms get a sprinkling of white on their chin and the bottoms of their feet after about 3 yr. (Kind of looks like they walked in wet paint. lol)

My dh's Katy was a dark, irish setter red, at 10 months with some sable shading. The color has darkened, lightened, darkened again and at 18 months she is still mostly red with some sable and a copper colored belly and undercoat.

My Secret was a pale orange with a little sable near the skin at 8 months. Now she has a clear orange (kind of a creamy pale) head with the individual hairs on her back varying shades of black, brown, dark orange, light orange and cream to create a rich mahogany color that varys in shade depending on the light. Her belly tail feathers are a pale cream shade with the same "tone" as the head color. She is considered a Clear orange sable.

Poms with sable coloration often start to develop a darker "mask" around their faces as they age. Secret is 3 yo and just now getting hers.

I'm not a breeder and the info I have may be debated by some more experienced people. It is just from my experience, reading and what MY breeder shared with me.

Pom kisses,


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Replying to:

I received my pom when he was 8 months old. At that time is coat was red. Now he is red, white, blond, black, brown, blond, every color possible. Has anyone else experienced this problem? If so, what did you pom color end up?