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Welcome to the Pomeranian Forum.A friendly place for all lovers of the Pomeranian breed to meet and discuss all aspects of owning[ I should say being owned by a Pomeranian].A place to share grooming, training, feeding tips etc.Have fun and enjoy your Pomeranian

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Pomeranian Knee Problems

My vet has said that my 4 month old pom's knees have grown out of joint and that he is going to need surgury within a year or he will get arthritis(sp). Has anyone else ever had this problem and how much did it cost to fix it?

Re: Pomeranian Knee Problems

One of our pomeranians had to have the surgery for her knee also when she was very young. It is fairly expensive but it is worth it as you would hate the poor dog to end up in pain. When my dog had it done, it was four years ago now so prices might have gone up due to inflation etc. I would check with your vet for the exact cost, you might be pleasantly surprised.

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Replying to:

My vet has said that my 4 month old pom's knees have grown out of joint and that he is going to need surgury within a year or he will get arthritis(sp). Has anyone else ever had this problem and how much did it cost to fix it?

Re: Pomeranian Knee Problems

Good luck with your Pomeranian. Please let us know what happens. Take Care, Denise, Dochlaggie Pomeranians.

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Replying to:

My vet has said that my 4 month old pom's knees have grown out of joint and that he is going to need surgury within a year or he will get arthritis(sp). Has anyone else ever had this problem and how much did it cost to fix it?