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Questions about my new Pom puppy

Hi, I have just bought an adorable 6 week old Pomeranian from a good breeder. I researched Poms for about a week, and found out about all there is to know. Recently though, I seem to only stumble upon disturbing information, such as their frailness. I knew they were frail, but so many websites make it sound as though they're china dolls. It scares me so much that she might accidentally run into a door and seriously injure herself. Please tell me if I'm worrying too much. I also had a few questions: How much should he sleep? How much should he eat? Is it ok if I leave him in his

1.5'x3.6' box for most of the day?( he sleeps alot, and I can't hold him all the time)Thanks!

Re: Questions about my new Pom puppy

He sounds cute! I'm not an expert but I am ownedd by 2 Poms. Puppies DO sleep a lot, just like a human baby. They are fraile somewhat only because they are small. My 4 yr old weighs 4 3/4 pounds and is quite a "hardy" dog. They won't run into doors and anything like that. They are very lively and fast though. I just would not drop them or let them jump down for a high place (use common sense) as they have weaker knees (I've read). I have a Sheltie too and believe tiny Pom is ALL 4 3/4 pounds of pure DOG. Don't let their size fool you. I'm not sure about how much to feed. I would follow the directions on the bag/can of food

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Replying to:

Hi, I have just bought an adorable 6 week old Pomeranian from a good breeder. I researched Poms for about a week, and found out about all there is to know. Recently though, I seem to only stumble upon disturbing information, such as their frailness. I knew they were frail, but so many websites make it sound as though they're china dolls. It scares me so much that she might accidentally run into a door and seriously injure herself. Please tell me if I'm worrying too much. I also had a few questions: How much should he sleep? How much should he eat? Is it ok if I leave him in his

1.5'x3.6' box for most of the day?( he sleeps alot, and I can't hold him all the time)Thanks!

Re: Questions about my new Pom puppy

Hi, ofcause your baby pom will sleep a lot at this age, I do not know any registered breeders that would every sell a pom at 6 weeks old,they have rules and regulations and are not allowed to sell a pup under 8 weeks old and most pom breeder dont sell them till 10 to 12 weeks old. Glad you were able to learn everything there is to know about poms in a week, I am still learning after 3 years,Did your "good breeder" provide you with an information and diet sheet on caring for your pup? This should have all the information regarding feeding etc. I seriously find this email a little hard to believe and maybe you should contact your "good breeder" as being a "good breeder" I am sure they will be very helpfull with after sales care and should help you with all you questions.

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Replying to:

Hi, I have just bought an adorable 6 week old Pomeranian from a good breeder. I researched Poms for about a week, and found out about all there is to know. Recently though, I seem to only stumble upon disturbing information, such as their frailness. I knew they were frail, but so many websites make it sound as though they're china dolls. It scares me so much that she might accidentally run into a door and seriously injure herself. Please tell me if I'm worrying too much. I also had a few questions: How much should he sleep? How much should he eat? Is it ok if I leave him in his

1.5'x3.6' box for most of the day?( he sleeps alot, and I can't hold him all the time)Thanks!

Re: Questions about my new Pom puppy

Worrying too much could stress your pomeranian out. He can sense it. They aren't like china dolls, but just watch out for 'em. Trust me, THEY ARE NOT WEAK.

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Replying to:

Hi, I have just bought an adorable 6 week old Pomeranian from a good breeder. I researched Poms for about a week, and found out about all there is to know. Recently though, I seem to only stumble upon disturbing information, such as their frailness. I knew they were frail, but so many websites make it sound as though they're china dolls. It scares me so much that she might accidentally run into a door and seriously injure herself. Please tell me if I'm worrying too much. I also had a few questions: How much should he sleep? How much should he eat? Is it ok if I leave him in his

1.5'x3.6' box for most of the day?( he sleeps alot, and I can't hold him all the time)Thanks!