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My 10 month old male pom is a biter too. I've been watching a show called "Good Dog" on the Life Network (Canada). The dog behaviourist is Dr. Stanley Coren, he has written books on dogs' behaviour and training.

Here are a few things I've learned:

-when you train your dog, don't train in a way that it causes your dog to have fear, eg. punishing your dog by hitting. This may teach the dog aggression

-don't play games that causes the dog to become aggressive eg. playing tug of war. Don't put your hand in your dog's mouth in a playful way because he/she will think that it's ok to bite.

-Do show your dog who is in control and who the "leader of the pack" is. Control your dog's food and let him/her know that the food comes from you. Do not free feed and leave the food all day on the floor.

-Do overly praise your dog when he/she is doing something you like.

-Make your dog work for everything, eg. only pet him/her when he/she did something good, do not give your dog treats for no reason. If the dog gets petted and treats for no reason, he/she will soon learn that he doesn't have to work for those things, therefore he won't listen to you. You can even control your dog's toys, instead of having the dog have access the toys at anytime he/she wants, or don't let him/her on the couch/bed.

-teach your dog to "sit" or "lie down" on command. If the dog can do that on command, then it will be harder for him/her to do anything else like chase after you and bite.

Hope that helps!!!

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ITS getting worse he just bit me today... i dont know why his biting ive neva hit him before

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I would like to know why my 6 month old pom puppy keeps barking at everyone that comes to the door and just today it bit my grandma and my little baby cousin... i dont think he was playing he was growling and getting really aggressive. He actually bit them so hard they started to bleed. What should i do? I'm firm with my actions and tone of voice but i dont think he cares.

Thanks in advance.