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Rescued Pom won't eat

I just rescued a Pom maybe 3 days ago from my local animal shelter and she will not eat nor is she house broken. But she does only use the bathroom in the bathroom, LOL. Is there a certain "type" of food Poms usually eat? I had some hard dog food, but she would not eat it, so I got her some mighty dog and she ate a little bit of it. She is sooooo skinny that you can feel her back bone and can see her hip bone. Can someone please help me help Pebbles. I have posted requests EVERYWHERE for assistance. I know my home is new to her, but going 3 days without eating can not be healthy.

Thank You

Re: Rescued Pom won't eat

Some poms are extremely picky. If she is extremely underwight, take her to a vet. They will probably suggest some puppy food to help fatten her up. I have 1 picky pom and 1 pom that eats whatever is in front of her. For the picky pom I mash the kibble (I put it in a plastic bag and mash with a hammer) and then I pour it in to his bowl, add a bit of water so it is soft. Then I had something like a little cottage cheee, or little pieces of cut up cheddar cheese. I do NOT do this all the time...but if she aint eating, give her what she wants until she starts eating! My poms are both rescue dogs too.