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Welcome to the Pomeranian Forum.A friendly place for all lovers of the Pomeranian breed to meet and discuss all aspects of owning[ I should say being owned by a Pomeranian].A place to share grooming, training, feeding tips etc.Have fun and enjoy your Pomeranian

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Biting Pom!

Hi all! I have 4mth old Pom who is absolutely gorgeous except for the BITING! She's been chewing on absolutely everything- carpet, toys(she has heaps so I know its not boredom) and painfully- us! Do they grow out of this? Does anyone have similar stories or remedies!

Re: Biting Pom!

A little bit of vinegar or tabasco sauce does the trick. :) I would use vinegar b/c it is neutral and wont' stain. If she is biting at a particular object, sprinkle something bitter/not tasty on it. Do this the next few times... she will learn. Get her some chew toys...smear a little peanut butter on them so she knows those are HER chew toys! Good luck :)

Re: Re: Biting Pom!

Thanks for your suggestion, it did the trick! I visited your website- your little ones are so sweet!