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Welcome to the Pomeranian Forum.A friendly place for all lovers of the Pomeranian breed to meet and discuss all aspects of owning[ I should say being owned by a Pomeranian].A place to share grooming, training, feeding tips etc.Have fun and enjoy your Pomeranian

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Wanting to own Pom but shedding might be

I really want to own a Pom as a companion pet and I have definitely spent a long time doing my homework on this breed. The only thing I am concerned about is the shedding. If I do get a Pom it will be an inside dog. After reading some of the messages on this board I have the notion that these dogs are shedding all the time and the pom's hair is just everywhere. Is this true? Thanks for your help.

Re: Wanting to own Pom but shedding might be

A Pomeranian makes a wonderful companion and they do not shed like the smooth coated breeds who shed heair everyday. A pomeranian only moult once a year if that and if you bathe the pom and comb out all dead hair, this can be done in one day, there is no hair falling anyway in your home.The smooth coated breeds shed evreyday of there life so if you get as mooth coated breed , you will have dog hair all over your home. Hugs and Merry Christmas, Denise

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Replying to:

I really want to own a Pom as a companion pet and I have definitely spent a long time doing my homework on this breed. The only thing I am concerned about is the shedding. If I do get a Pom it will be an inside dog. After reading some of the messages on this board I have the notion that these dogs are shedding all the time and the pom's hair is just everywhere. Is this true? Thanks for your help.