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Griefing over the death of my pom

I had my female pom for 14 years and 8 months when she died on 21 June 2003.
I still miss her and am griefing for her.
In fact my health has suddenly declined.
My son wants to get another pom for me.I am worried that the pom may outlive me.Again I dont think I can go through the heart ache and pain when she falls ill or dies.
What is your advice especially if you had been in my situation.

Re: Griefing over the death of my pom


I feel for you and know how you feel. I recently lost one of my babies. I still can not sleep for grief. At least I have other little furkids here to love. I would advise you to get another pomeranian as soon as possible. Hugs Denise

Re: Griefing over the death of my pom

Hi Rani,
Sorry to hear about your loss. YOu should probably get another pom asap as Denise suggested but can I suggest to adopt one through rescue? BECAUSE You may be able to find an adult pomeranian if you are worried that he/she may outlive you! Good luck, and just remind yourself that your little one lived almost 15 years! Wow And had a happy life. I have lost a pet before, and then I adopted Chico my darling pomeranian, and althoguh there will always be a special place in my heart for my other babe, Chico is wonderful!

Re: Re: Griefing over the death of my pom

I have had more than one special pet that has passed away. One of my more special ones was my cat Aslan. I did not immediately replace him with another cat, because nothing met up to him. I got my first Pom instead. She brings me so much joy and I know she is a gift. If you do decide to get another animal, don't look at her/him as a replacement, just another source of joy.

Re: Griefing over the death of my pom

Dear Rani, I'm from Australia and have just read your message. So sorry here about your dear pom. I have a 14 year old pom called 'Marilyn' she is my love of life. She has brought me so much happiness throughout her years. She is still in good health. I know one day when I lose her my belief is I have given her a wonderful and very spoilt life possible and she has brought me joy every single day. I hope you fine another little friend to love soon.