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Welcome to the Pomeranian Forum.A friendly place for all lovers of the Pomeranian breed to meet and discuss all aspects of owning[ I should say being owned by a Pomeranian].A place to share grooming, training, feeding tips etc.Have fun and enjoy your Pomeranian

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Re: seizures

I wish I could help you with this problem. My heart goes out to you and I just hope that your Pomeranian is cured soon.Hugs Denise

Re: seizures

Hi, I also have a Pom with a seizure disorder, she is a little 5 pound female 6 years old. She has had a few severe ones where she was stuck in the postictal state that required her to be loaded with valium and it has been suggested that she be placed on Phenobarbital but she is so active and such a happy dog that i am extrmely scared it will affect her personality and slow her down. Most of the time she comes running to me when she is about to have a seizure and i take her into a dark room, hold her, pet her and talk to her and she comes out of it rather quickly and is just tired afterwards. I have gone thru just about every book and website i can find on seizures but in a an otherwise healthy dog there is no answer and the vet just calls it idiopathic epilepsy meaning no cause and its just something i have to accept about her.

Re: Re: seizures

My Pom is 4 pound male. I think he has Idiopathic epilepsy. We don't know. This was the second episode he has had. My husband saw it for the first time tonight. It scared us both very much. All I could do was cry. I thought he was going to die. It lasted for about 5 mins. I didn't know what was going on. After the episode he was fine. He ran around,jumping and barking as usual. I looked up all the information I could find on seziures and I found your site. I was wondering if you could give me a little information on idiopathic epilepsy. I love my dog so much. He like a child to me and my husban. I just need some friendly advice. Thankyou so much.

Re: seizures

i have a best friend, he is a wonderful, loving, 18...yes, 18!! year old pomeranian named popcorn. when he was between the ages of 2-5 he had periodic seizures. they seemed to occur when he got spooked by something (loud sudden noises for ex:). by the time he turned 6, they had stopped and he hasn't had one since. i love my boy and i am grateful he does not suffer with them anymore. i still don't know what caused them, but i am glad they are gone! lisa