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Trimming Nails!!!

I need advice on nail care.

First off-I want to thank you Denise for your wonderful instructions on using a Dremel. I am looking into possibly trying the Dremel.

I need something now though. My sweet boy turns demonic when I try to do his nails. When I got him, they said he tolerated it ok. It has been nothing but heartache trying to get the job done. I can sometimes get his front one iiiiiffff he hasn't figured out what I am doing. Once he knows, he wiggles, squirms, rolls over, cries and barks to get away.( and his big brother-my min poodle -who is very protective-starts barking and trying to get in to help Russy!)

Yes-I have clipped the quick before; 2 or 3 times, not very bad, and I quit - right away after that. I try holding him, I wrapped him in a blanket and I try to resist him from getting away and force the procedure-
to atleast get 1 foot done-but of course that is when he gets mad and I slip and cut too far. The back feet are the worse!!

Help please!! I have to cut them as soon as possible,
before I end up with marks all over me from his nails scratching.

Thanks for any help!!-Kelli

Re: Trimming Nails!!!

Kelli, You are not alone in the proble fo nail clipping. How old is your pomeranian?? Maybe you could use the Dremel now. They do accept this better than the clippers. Make sure he is wrapped in a blanket so no coat can get caught in the dremel.Another thought is to get a groomer to do his nails for you. Good luck and if you find an easy solution to the problem of nails- please share.
Hugs, Denise

Re: Re: Trimming Nails!!!

Thanks for your reply Denise. Russy is going on 5. I don't want to take him to a groomer, because I'm afraid of how he will act and how they would respond. He tries to bite at me when I do them, but I talk to him and tell him I'm not trying to hurt him and I love him and he doesn't really want to bite me. I have tried using a blanket to hold him tight and to cover his eyes while using the clippers, with no success. He does better if he doesn't see me doing it. I'm able to get 4-5 nails done at a time now, but it is done with my forcefully (and lovingly) holding him. Thanks again!

Re: Re: Re: Trimming Nails!!!

My female acts the same way. I give her a little cheese wizz on one of my daughters fingers and that way she is distracted enough for me to get one paw done.