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In february, I got a rescue Pomeranian. He is 4 and has brought great joy to me and to my min poodle.

BUT-he has a weird habit of licking the furniture. I quit smoking over a year ago and washed the dressers that he licks. I mention that because, when I got him I was told he would get into ashtrays and get an old butt to chew on! That doesn't happen now- he is not around smokers very much.

The furniture-I sprayed some "gone-off" stuff. It is suppose to be a deterant to animals to not go where they aren't allowed; like preventing them from getting on your bed.
I don't use alot of strong smelling polish either.

Anybody have any advice, because besides licking he has also chewed on some of the wood.

What can I do for my baby boy!? I don't know what to try next. BTW - His name is Russy

I hope to keep in touch here and will be looking for a reply-Thanks all-Kelli


Sounds very weird. The poor little pom, what must his past life have been like, if he has developed strange habits like this. I cant think of anything other than spraying the furniaure with something like bitter apple and giving him chew things to play with.
Hugs Denise