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Come on people!!

Work with me here!!!! Wanting to get this off the ground, please give me your support. I'm new to website building, so I'd like to hear from anyone in same position. Also, would just like to exchange emigration stories with others!! Please don't make me feel so sad and pathetic, someone else post an entry

Re: Come on people!!

Aw, mum...it's so sad and lonely in here. I can hear my post echoing of the walls.

Re: Re: Come on people!!


I know, work with me here!! Hell, would even be willing to negotiate about wabbit!!

Re: Re: Re: Come on people!!

Now that you mention it, mum...



Actually, I am seriously considring asking for one from Damian for my birthday, I mean you can keep them indoors like cats if you have them from a young age. Just what they're used to, I guess.


well ye na i divvint na what the heck is gannin on ere!! ne 1 is tekin blind bit o notice o yer needs! ive recently emigrated from the bathroom inte the sittin room!i fund it very painful cos beeen on the sunbed like how!!!

de ya like me geordie accent???