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Re: Basic stuff

HI Michael,

I agree. I, like many other players during a a game have at onetime or another encountered similar interpretations.
The funny or sad thing is,they are usually adamant they are correct.

Sometime ago, I played with a guy in a 3ball regular competion.
His catchphrase was,"I play by the rules",inferring he was MR R&A, and always recounting stories of what he had encountered and how he put them right etc.I think you know the type.

I hit a wayward drive into the woods, and just reteed another ball,said nothing,and drove down the fairway.
I told him I would not bother to look for the ball,and just proceed to play my PB, but he was permitted to look for my ball if he wanted to.

Anyway,to his obvious dislike I played my PB.

"You can't do that.You must first look for your ball and then declare it lost". So and so told me.

He was not interested in my explanation, but just kept silent for remainder of the last few holes.

When we arrived back at the club, I suggested to him to ask somone else, and then tell the so and so who told him in the first place. He did.

I have to date not seen him in any subsequent competition or at the club since.

All you can do is preach the gospel in your own style.The rest is up to the individual.They will learn the hard way in a competition oneday.

Hope to see you on the new site. It's on test now.

Regards, Ron.

Re: Basic stuff

Hi Ron,

Sorry to pick nits in your story but when you say:

I hit a wayward drive into the woods, and just reteed another ball,said nothing,and drove down the fairway.
I told him I would not bother to look for the ball,and just proceed to play my PB, but he was permitted to look for my ball if he wanted to.

The new ball you played off the tee was NOT as you say a Provisional Ball but a new ball you brought into play. That's what happens if you say nothing when playing a second ball.

The problem with players that don't know what you call the "Basic Stuff" is that they are often low handicappers in my club, and everybody listens to their rubbish and take it for the holy gospel !


Where do you play golf Toxandria, the Netherlands

Re: Basic stuff

HI Johanna, absolutely correct.I guess I am still not quite over our Mr know all.

I meant to say BIP.Hence my statement about saying nothing on the tee,and just played my now BIP.

Glad you pointed it out. Other viewers of the forum could well be misled or puzzled.

Regards, Ron.