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Re: Breach of Local Rule

Hi Ron,

You say:

For the moment,I freely admit I cannot see the difference in reasoning between a 2SP under R18 or a 2SP under playing from a wrong place.

If you read the wording in Rule 20-7, "Playing from Wrong Place" it says under 20-7c:
If a competitor makes a stroke from a wrong place, he incurs a penalty of two strokes under the applicable Rule.
The applicable Rule in my Rules question falls under Rule 18-2 - ball moved by the player. If replaced he incurs 1 penalty stroke, if not replaced 2 penalty strokes.


Where do you play golf Toxandria, the Netherlands

Re: Breach of Local Rule

HI Johanna,

Thanks for replying.

If the player had replaced his ball on the path after lifting it, and then declared it unplayable, assuming he incurred no more penalties in his playing of the hole, he would have to add 2PS to his score for the 1PS under R18-2a and 1 PS under R28. No question of an applicable rule,because there is no playing from a wrong place, assuming the player proceeded correctly under R28.

Hopefully, that is correct.

As he did NOT replace his ball, he incurs 2PS under R18-2. I understand that.

In my twisted logic,which seems to be different from everyone else,if I understand your reply, another way of answering the question is to say, the player incurs a 2SP for playing from a wrong place and the applicable rule is R18-2.
Which is infact the way I reasoned and answered originally, but failed to mention the applicable rule.

The same answer/reasoning would also apply in the case of D18-2a/3, had the player not replaced his ball.

Hopefully that is also correct.
Many thanks for staying with the question.
Regards, Ron.

Re: Breach of Local Rule

Good evening Ron,

You've got it !


Where do you play golf Toxandria, the Netherlands

Re: Breach of Local Rule

HI Johanna,

A very very good evening to you too.
The light has come on. Hallelujah.
I do appreciate your patience.
Many thanks.
Regards, Ron.