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Information as oppose to Advice

Hi Ron,
Section II - Definitions
2nd Para
Information on the Rules ... is not advice.
Therefore, I would say, seeking information on the Rules is not seeking advice.

Also Dec. 34-2/3
Q. If the referee observes a player about to break a Rule, may he warn the player and thus prevent a breach?
A. Yes, but he is under no obligation to do so, ...

And again that would not be giving advice.

Re: Information as oppose to Advice

Hello Michael,

Apologies for not replying earlier. I have only just read your post, plus I do not like to see any post with zero replies.

I did infact correct myself,( on the lines you correctly stated), in my post timed at 1.14.
Your post was timed at 1.20, so crossed each other.
Hopefully, all is forgiven.
Regards, Ron.