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All is Lost!

As far as I can make out, this is the saga of the new forum.
A couple of days ago, the day after I made the switch over, they carried out an upgrade. In the prossess they had a "disc crash" whatever that is. It seems that the last back up they had was June 30th, everything from there on has been lost.
I liked the new forum and I must say it seems like a backward step to come back to the old one.
If I set up again with I will have to start all over again, even re-registering.
My appologies to you all but, this has been beyond my control.
I hope that you will all continue to support the forum and I would like you to air your views as to whether I should give another go!
I suppose the ans would be to get a paid forum but I don't make anything out of my site, and don't really want to. So iI feel loathed to start paying out.
If anyone knows of a good forum host that is not too expensive please tell us about it.

Where do you play golf Pennard

Re: All is Lost!


Indeed very sorry about the unfortunate, unforseen turn of events.
I certainly think you should try again with them.

Thanks for all your work to date. We were going very well, better I think than was expected.

Hopefully some of our computer buffs will come up with some alternative ideas/suggestions.

If I become aware of any info on sites etc I will inform you.

In the meantime a few slurps of the amber nectar may help.

Thanks again for all your efforts.

Regards, Ron.

All is NOT lost.......

......because we can try again. And this time I will try to register before Ron.

Keep up the good work Don !

Thank you both!

Very encouraging!

Where do you play golf Pennard

Re: All is Lost!

Pleas try again Don.
I thought the new site very good.
Apart from which, I can try and get my registration right this time.