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Single player in Open match

Picture the scene,its Sunday the day of the Gents Open,several players turn up for the match,the match is played and a winner is congratulated,however, another player turns up after the match has been played and decides to play and enter his card,he plays the round accompanied by a non player,he enters this card and wins the open,is this allowed,,,I dont think so,but he does.Your comments would be gratefully appreaciated.

Where do you play golf Fyvie Golf Club

Re: Single player in Open match


This sounds like a Conditions of Competition/ was the competition closed/ who can act as marker type of question.

Firstly we need to get a few things straight. Although you say "Match", I assume you mean a Strokeplay competition of some sort, right?

Any further info you can give on my first paragraph would help.



Re: Single player in Open match

The match was closed and the person who walked round with the player was a non golf player and non member of the club but was the owners wife??????

Where do you play golf Fyvie Golf Club

Re: Single player in Open match

If the comp was closed then that is the end of the matter. There is no point even going into whether the wife was allowed to be the marker (which would have to be in the CoC). Sounds like, if the owner is a self-appointed, one man committee behaving in this way then you need to find a new club to play at.