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Re: D.18-2a/8 and 8.5

Thanks for your reply Ron.

With D.18-2a/8 it seems to me that the player has played from a wrong place (20-7c) and the applicable rule seems to be R18 as you say. Is there a case for the applicable rule being R.25? IMO there could be a serious breach here. For example, in a case where, when the player first hits the ball from the GUR and it re-bounds off a tree or something else and ends up behind the point where he subsequently drops the ball under R.25-1b.

With D.18-2a/8.5, specifically the part I mentioned in my original question, IMO a serious breach could again occur in the re-bound scenario. In this case is the 2SP under R.15-2 cancelled if correction is required? (see D.20-7c/5 and Note 2 to R.20-7.) I'm not sure we agree on this point Ron.


Re: D.18-2a/8 and 8.5

Apologies for not replying earlier. I have returned, recharged in body and "spirit" from a few days in bonnie Scotland.

I will confine my reply to your second paragraph. Firstly, because I think we agree, re the ball in play, in your first paragraph, and secondly, I must admit I am not too sure what is going on, with the ball bouncing all over the place etc.

DC, my interpretation and understanding of note 2 in R20-7c, is that the penalty is applied to the BREACH of the rule, and must be added to the players score for that hole. The same applies for a ball sustituted when not permitted to under the rules and played, is now the ball in play. R15-2, and carries a 2SP, to be added to the players score for the hole.

So a player who subsequently played from a WP is penalised 2strokes for the breach, and the same applies to a ball incorrectly substituted and played.

The stroke played from the WP, and any penalties incurred solely in the playing of the original ball (if the second ball is ruled to count),is, however, cancelled. Note, it says "strokes" not breach, is disregarded. Regards, Ron.