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Re: Full Playing Equality

CONGU have two decisions (19 & 20) relating to this

Re: Full Playing Equality

Hi Doug,
Thanks and yes I have seen those regarding Mixed events, but specifically we had a request from two Ladies to be able to enter the Mens comps.
We contacted our local Union for direction.
I wondered if there was any approval, resistance or any thoughts of any kind.

Re: Full Playing Equality

Hi Michael,

Many of the competitions in my club are mixed, although the men tend to play with men and the women with women.
We then have our monthly medals which are played in four categories, men playing hcp. 0-18 and 19-28, and the same for the ladies, with separate small silver cups for each category.
If there is a men only competition I personally wouldn't want to play in it like Michelle Wie does, nor would I like it if one or two chaps played in a ladies only competition.
On a national level in competitions organised by the NGF, youngsters under 21 play mixed but with separate prizes for boys and girls. Other national competitions are normally played as men and women only competitions.


Where do you play golf Toxandria, Netherlands

Re: Full Playing Equality

HI Michael,

NO,NO,NO, a thousand times NO. Regards, Ron.

Re: Full Playing Equality

I guess Ron's on the fence with this one.

Re: Full Playing Equality


I'm taking a guess which side of the fence you are on.

Let's set aside the top tournaments played at scratch. There the seemingly inherent matters of length and strength (for top athletes) have settled the issue for the present.

But for the rest of us, why shouldn't we play together, assuming we all play the same course and use a common handicap system? I've been out-driven by the other lot in medley and mixed events. I just can't see a problem (apart from my swing).

Re: Full Playing Equality

HI Paul,

I do not have a problem with mixed competitions,where men are partnered with ladies, in fact I have played in them, and, hopefully again in the future, and enjoyed the experience.

The view I take on exclusion has nothing to do with strength, playing from the same tees, same handicap basis,or fear of being beaten by a lady etc.

Men and women ARE different. Long live the difference.

The sentiments expressed in Johanna's post, is I suspect the views of the majority of golfers from either sex, at least in this country.

If clubs wish to hold competitions open to all members, men and women,it should be as a result of a democratic vote taken among the members of that club, and not as a result of any gov't legislation.

Michael stated earlier he had an interesting response. Perhaps he would not mind sharing the gist of it with the forum. Regards, Ron.

Re: Full Playing Equality

Hi Ron,
Just to get me off the fence, I think Mens comps are Men's comps, Ladies are Ladies and mixed are what they are. And this is a statement of fact not my opinion, in the two Clubs of which I have been a member, the great majority of the men shy away from mixed events.
But to answer your question - recently we had two ladies, who have a history of raising contentious issues, insisting that they had a right to be allowed to enter Mens events.
The local County Union were approached, quite frankly with the feeling that there MUST be some prohibitive Rule that only needed revealing.
But the Secretary seemed edgy (as if he had his hand on the lid of a can of worms). He couldn't/wouldn't supply a definitive Ruling or decision but said he would raise the point at the next wider regional meeting.
My feeling is that as long as Club fee issues and handicap requirements are met there is no Rule to stop Ladies entering Mens events. And if the subject was pushed hard as an equal rights issue, it would be a close run thing.