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Re: Government interference

I agree.

When I presided at my club, we set out to equalise the subscription and the playing rights. We still have a Ladies' day on Wednesdays, and a Men's day on Thursdays, But Tuesday is a medley, and Saturday we share the tee in separate competitions.

In discussion, many thought it was impossible and awful, including many ladies.

After a few months, nobody any longer noticed the differences.

Re: Government interference

I suspect that having a junior section and a seniors section is now a breach of the age discrimination act!
I am a great believer in equality, however I don't think tat being equall makes everyone the same.
I have a cast iron pot that is great for making stews, I also have a cut glass bowl that is just the ticket for keeping fruit on the table! Are they equall? Yes;- in what they are worth to do the job!
But I ain't going to use the cut glass to make a stew, anymore than I am going to keep a cast iron pot on the table with my fruit in!
From the above it is safe to say, you know what my take on the subject is!

Where do you play golf Pennard

Re: Government interference


I'm not sure whether to agree.

The juniors (blast them!) have better swings.

Re: Government interference

Paul, does that mean we have differnt opinions, but both oppinions are of equal value?

Where do you play golf Pennard

Re: Government interference


I'm sure it does. I just wish my swing could once again be of equal value.

Re: Government interference

Hi all,

In my club female members pay the same annual contribution and have to buy the same number of shares as the male members. The only separate accommodation we have is the dressing rooms . There are no restrictions as far as playing rights are concerned but members respect the times various male and female groups play on certain days and times.
We have two women on the main committee, one is the treasurer and the other in charge of competitions.

However, if my club was run like f.e. Doug's club, I wouldn't like the government to poke their noses in the club's affairs or introduce laws how clubs should be run. It is something for clubs to decide themselves, perhaps nudged in certain directions by the national Golf Union, but not by a Tony Blair or a Margaret Thatcher !


Where do you play golf Toxandria, Netherlands

Re: Government interference

Hi all,

An appropriate article in de English Daily Telegraph!

Where do you play golf Toxandria, Netherlands