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Epilogue of a failed try at the Challenge in 2017

After a couple of hard years at work, existential worries about a child’s survival, joblessness things were looking up. I had a great job, at home things were getting better, we were getting back on the track. For me that meant wanting to go back to the hills. Sure, I was overweight, about 120 kg, but I walked a bit every now and again, so I felt I was a healthy 60-year old and fully up to a challenge. I had just enough money for travel and a couple of nights under a roof, so that was a bit of a risk. But… no risk no glory?

I had followed the TGO Challenge for years, so what better way to get back to Scotland. It would be tough, but so was I. That said, I submitted the route, got some great tips ont it and started walking a bit more.

And off I went from Strathcarron. Bit disappointing athmosphere at the hotel, but there were other challengers about an we set off. Yep, shouldn’t have gone on once we were in trackless heather and other stuff up to the knees, but we got up over the hills in the end. I was struggling right from the start…… To cut a long story short, on the fourth day I called in to control telling them I was stopping and went home.

The soles of my shoes were hanging from the rest of the shoes, I was totally exhausted, weepy, really out of money, and just miserable. I called home and thank God my wife understood how deep I had gone and that there was nothing left of me. She bought a plane ticket back home, and the same night I slept in my own bed again.

Back home I told my story without regrets to family and friends. They could not understand why in the end I felt good about the effort, even though I hadn’t even made it to the Great Glen. But..... I had encountered the wild beauty of Scotland, the joy of meeting people on the hills, just being out there in Nature, it had made me so thankful for being alive and experiencing the elements.

Two years have gone by and now I know it was justnot prepared. I was unfit and at the least should not have gone without money for emergency R&R at a hotel. But it has so inspired me that I went back to serious training, I have lost twenty kilograms, have started rowing again (great fun) and last September Spent a glorious week in and around Affric and Kintail. Went up a Munro, dit the Affric Kintail Way, and just walked to my hearts’ content! So…… I am BACK!!!!

I will keep on training, just because I love exercise. In June of this year I will take my son on a Munrobagging tour from Braemar, and then….. I will submit my route for the TGO Challenge of 2020.

Thanks to all, see you on the hill!

André Hilhorst, Haarlem, The Netherlands

Re: Epilogue of a failed try at the Challenge in 2017

Wow, a truly powerful story. Hope to meet you in the hills one day!

Re: Epilogue of a failed try at the Challenge in 2017

No. Not a failure, André.

A stepping stone.

All the best for 2020! :+1:

Re: Epilogue of a failed try at the Challenge in 2017

The hardest step of every journey can be the first and you already made it by getting yourself out there. We learn from everything we do. Sounds like you are ready for your next Challenge and I hope our paths cross in 2020.

Re: Epilogue of a failed try at the Challenge in 2017

Thank you all for your support,
That means a lot to me.

All the best to all of you this year, and hope to meet next TGO Challenge!

Re: Epilogue of a failed try at the Challenge in 2017

Inspirational stuff Andre.
Hope you make it back in 2020.

Re: Epilogue of a failed try at the Challenge in 2017

Well done, André

Wishing you all the best for 2020

Re: Epilogue of a failed try at the Challenge in 2017

Andre in my eyes you are a hero. To battle until you had nothing left and had given your all. You can do no more. I hope your determination and courage will get you on the starting line in 2020. Thank you for your post.

Re: Epilogue of a failed try at the Challenge in 2017

That's not a failure, and I'm qualified to say because I've had to retire twice.
What you've had is experience and you've obviously learned from it and are making sure next time, and there will be a next time, you have a really good adventure. Well done! Enjoy next time and thank you for sharing.

Re: Epilogue of a failed try at the Challenge in 2017

If you can, you should definitely try again. I had to retire due to a stomach upset on my first Challenge. It was a massive disappointment, but it was the right decision. I returned two years later and had a successful crossing. In some ways, it was all the more satisfying because I didn’t finish first time around. You might be apprehensive, but if you do the right training and aren’t overly ambitious on your route you stand a good chance of completing. Best of luck.

Re: Epilogue of a failed try at the Challenge in 2017

A heart-warming approach to the Challenge. Wish you all the best for 2020.


Re: Epilogue of a failed try at the Challenge in 2017

Thanks for sharing your personal story, André !

If you ever feel like backpacking in our own country (Netherlands), you may be interested to know about the Rugzaklopers (of which I am a member). We organise year-round backpacking weekends, nearly every weekend. For me the perfect way to keep my exercise.

Looking forward to meet you on the 2020 Challenge,
all the best,


Re: Epilogue of a failed try at the Challenge in 2017

Again, Thanks all for the encouragement en understanding. Really great.

And Bart, I've had a look at the Rugzaklopers. Sounds good, I'll try to join one of the weekends, thanks!

Greetings from sunny Haarlem to all,
Andre Hilhorst