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Re: Bernie Marshall

Very sorry to learn of Bernie's passing – I have no doubt that he's already wandering greater glens and helping others he meets there to discover the very best very routes and pitches.

Bernie was a stalwart member of the vetting team during the few years I attempted to run the event, a great support in a frequently daunting job and always willing and eager to take on more work than I could give him! His advice to Challengers when vetting their routes was always well-measured – enough to help themselves get through the difficulties of route planning but never quite enough to spoil what must always remain a true challenge, a test of people's abilities and experience, and an exploration of territories and landscapes new. Bernie understood that side of the event perfectly – as well as the social side of the event, and the importance of enjoying it thoroughly – far better than I.

I encountered Bernie and Pauline in the field as well, of course, always a laugh and a delight: he was always more than willing to share a stealth campsite, blether over something peaty or advise on the best ways to avoid closing times. It's thanks to him that I grew to know Inverfarigaig and Allt-na-Goire as well as I did, as well as every sneaky camp spot in between!

So long Bernie, enjoy the next great adventure. Will raise a glass of something peaty to your memory tonight.

Much love, and deep condolences to Pauline.

Re: Bernie Marshall

My thoughts and sympathies are with Pauline and Family.

Bernie always made me smile. He was always generous with his advice even when prefaced with the daunting words ' if you don't mind a bit of heather bashing'. He was a true walking legend. In later years he was a thoughtful vetter and when he was at challenge control a super kind voice so supportive and knowledgeable. I met him on my first challenge when he told me about the heather bashing short cut he knew. I admired Bernie and will miss him hugely. He was a giant among men.


Re: Bernie Marshall

Sad to hear this. Seemed to always be Bernie I spoke to when I called in to Control last year. Will miss the jokes and weather updates.

Re: Bernie Marshall

Saddened and shocked by this sudden news. Heartfelt sympathy to Pauline and the family. Bernie's warmth, compassion, humour and understanding touched all who knew him. We shall not see his like again.

Re: Bernie Marshall

I've stared in disbelief at this page for a couple of days now and still find it difficult to accept that Bernie has left this place. If you add up every comment here the sum barley begins to describe what a lovely man our Bernie was.

Years ago at the Thursday Challenge Dinner at the Park, we were each given a small note from Roger, which had the grace for the dinner typed upon it. It read:


May you always have a safe tent, and no sorrow as you travel.
May happiness attend you all your ways.
May you have a heart like the Morning.
And may you come slow to the Four Corners where
Mankind says "GOODNIGHT"

Bernie always had a heart like the morning and he wouldn't want us to mourn his passing, but rather remember a life lived to the full. No sorrows, and most of all we should celebrate him and be happy, remembering a beautiful man and a wonderful life.

If there is another place out there I'm certain that Bernie is sitting amongst new friends, and old, warming his companions with kind words, a good laugh and friendship.

All my love to Pauline,

Goodnight, Bernie

Re: Bernie Marshall

Like Alan, I have thought about what to say for days. When I became 'A Challenger' I was very insecure and rather lonely. Bernie and Pauline were among the stalwarts who welcomed me into the crowd, and helped me to feel I belonged. My special memory of Bernie is a phonecall to Challenge Control, at a difficult point, when he not only gave me the confidence to carry on, but cheered me up as well. A lovely, knowledgeable man. He will be so sadly missed.

Big hugs to Pauline.

Re: Bernie Marshall

Alan Sloman
I've stared in disbelief at this page for a couple of days now and still find it difficult to accept that Bernie has left this place. If you add up every comment here the sum barley begins to describe what a lovely man our Bernie was.

Years ago at the Thursday Challenge Dinner at the Park, we were each given a small note from Roger, which had the grace for the dinner typed upon it. It read:


May you always have a safe tent, and no sorrow as you travel.
May happiness attend you all your ways.
May you have a heart like the Morning.
And may you come slow to the Four Corners where
Mankind says "GOODNIGHT"

Bernie always had a heart like the morning and he wouldn't want us to mourn his passing, but rather remember a life lived to the full. No sorrows, and most of all we should celebrate him and be happy, remembering a beautiful man and a wonderful life.

If there is another place out there I'm certain that Bernie is sitting amongst new friends, and old, warming his companions with kind words, a good laugh and friendship.

All my love to Pauline,

Goodnight, Bernie
Stunned when I read of Bernie’s death. Met on my first challenge 1997. With Len on a subsequent challenge we spent a memorable night in Cordavon Lodge courtesy Linda and her partner.
My thoughts and prayers are with you Pauline

Re: Bernie Marshall

I am so sorry to hear this news. Bernie was my vetter in 2016, very encouraging to a first-timer nervously submitting her route, and giving me such helpful comments on my proposal. I was so pleased to meet him and Pauline in Montrose last May, and remember enjoying his stories while sharing a noggin. I've taken his advice to have a new start point, and will think of him as I set out this year. My sympathy to Pauline and their family.

Re: Bernie Marshall

So sorry to read this.Bernie was a lovely man and a champion among Challenge legends. My sincere condolences to Pauline and family.

Re: Bernie Marshall

So I'm a bit late to the party, having only just seen this. There's not much I can add that hasn't been said already. I have so many wonderful memories of the big fella ... but it was for occasions just such as this that I wrote the third and final verse of my song "Great Outdoors Challengers", so I'll leave it at that. (The song was written to be sung to the tune of "Cavalilly Men", if you know it ...)

And if it be, as well it may,
We ne'er come back another day
My friends, the fact remains
That o'er this land we've all roamed free
So come what may, we'll always be