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Re: Wine & Cheese - An Invitation!

I have some very, very, very nice cheese.

Would a substantial amount of Rusty Nail and / or Sloe Gin (or vodka) be acceptable alternatives to wine?


Re: Wine & Cheese - An Invitation!

JJ. Those digestifs are indeed acceptable. But will they accompany fine cheeses? Bring some wine as well - just to be on the safe side. :wine_glass: :wink:

Re: Wine & Cheese - An Invitation!

It's very strange Alan. Re-reading your original e-mail, which you quote above, suggesting that we delete the gpx files for previous versions of the route seems so innocuous now. All I can say, in a very very nice way, is that when it was received it sent shivers down my spine and I immediately deleted the old files as you had 'suggested'. :worried:

Re: Wine & Cheese - An Invitation!

That looks like a very remote area? How are you approaching and where are you going after?
sorry I can't make it this year. 2020 is in the works however

Re: Wine & Cheese - An Invitation!

Hi Craig

And a Happy New Year to you both! :fireworks:

After collecting the comestibles from our ASDA (Walmart) delivery we're camping down in Glen Turret the night before, then heading up via the Burn of Agie and Uisge nam Fichead to Stob Poite Coire Ardair and along the ridge to the C&W venue.

Next day the plan is to continue east along the ridge, dropping to the River Spey and onwards.

Sorry we won't see you this year - at least you'll have plenty of time to plan a cunning route for 2020! :wink:

Toodle pip

Lord E.

Re: Wine & Cheese - An Invitation!

Thank your your Lordship
I will miss you all this year. Have a Happy New Year

Re: Wine & Cheese - An Invitation!

Thank you for your kind invitation Phil. Yet again, I am nowhere near, but thanks anyway.

Re: Wine & Cheese - An Invitation!

Excellent. Means I will meet some more Challengers on my “Not the TGO Challenge” :upside_down_face: Also makes my next day shorter. I won’t be bringing wine, cheese or chocolate as they all give me a migraine. However, I might look in Morrison’s in Ft Bill to see if I can get a cake :innocent:

Re: Wine & Cheese - An Invitation!

Errrr, Robin. That is a rather selfish attitude. Just because you can't drink wine or eat cheese does not mean that you can't carry these things. I prefer white, please, and none of the cheap supermarket stuff. As for cheese? A nice crumbly Wensleydale will do. Oh. And those little round Cheddars biscuits. Thank you muchly.

Re: Wine & Cheese - An Invitation!

David Williams
Errrr, Robin. That is a rather selfish attitude. Just because you can't drink wine or eat cheese does not mean that you can't carry these things. I prefer white, please, and none of the cheap supermarket stuff. As for cheese? A nice crumbly Wensleydale will do. Oh. And those little round Cheddars biscuits. Thank you muchly.
He's right you know :wink: :sweat_smile:

Re: Wine & Cheese - An Invitation!

Fruitcake. Seems appropriate :laughing:

Re: Wine & Cheese - An Invitation!

A lovely spot to choose, but unfortunately my route takes me a long way north of there.

Re: Wine & Cheese - An Invitation!

Sadly, I'll be a day late and 10km too far north. Sounds like a great idea though!

Re: Wine & Cheese - An Invitation!

Me and The Lad should be approx. 32 km north East. Do try to keep the noise down...

Re: Wine & Cheese - An Invitation!

Thank you for your kind invitation. Providing that the weather is reasonable I intend to be there :grinning:. However if I'm on my FWA then I shall be the other side of Loch Laggan that evening.

I'm afraid that I won't be bringing quite as much cheese and wine with me as I did back in 2013, as I'll be heading over Creag Meagaidh to get to the party!

Re: Wine & Cheese - An Invitation!

We'll look forward to your company, Alistair. Hopefully this time we will not consume our supplies before the event, so won't be reliant on your generosity! :grinning:

Re: Wine & Cheese - An Invitation!

I'll be 20 miles to the north in the Monadhliath mountains, so I'll give it a miss this year. Hope to bump into you at some point though!

Re: Wine & Cheese - An Invitation!

Phil Lambert
We'll look forward to your company, Alistair. Hopefully this time we will not consume our supplies before the event, so won't be reliant on your generosity! :grinning:

A 2 day walk in to the C&W, and we won't be tempted, whilst Al is drying his boots with the remnants of a novel? :thinking_face: :joy: :wine_glass: :cheese_wedge:

Re: Wine & Cheese - An Invitation!

Thank you for your kind invitation. Sadly I must decline on the grounds that I shall be a year late and somewhere between Loch Ossian YH and Duinish on that date, possibly Ruighe Ghlas!


Re: Wine & Cheese - An Invitation!

Sorry we'll miss you, Vanessa, but Ruighe Ghlas is a very nice spot to enjoy an evening tipple anytime. :wink:

And Paul, just 20 miles to the north??? Not that far for you I'd have thought, but after your Herculean effort last year, you deserve a rest!

Re: Wine & Cheese - An Invitation!

Hi Alan, Phil et al,

Having belatedly found your kind invitation, I regret that I cannot be there. I shall be about 68kms further North enjoying the delights of Ault-na-goire that evening.

So I am afraid you will have to manage without my contribution to the festivities.

No doubt see you further along the way though.
