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Which waterproof phone case?

Having got Memory-map on my i-phone SE (backup, as I love real maps) I guess the time I will get lost and really need to find myself will be in the middle of a stinking storm. My current practice is to throw my phone in a drybag and tuck it away safely. Obviously, I can't use it then.

What waterproof cases do other challengers use? I am going to avail myself of the great Amazon emporium in the next few days - advice would be appreciated.

Re: Which waterproof phone case?

I just keep my iPhone in a double ziplock bag.

You can switch it on/off whilst in the bag and it is easily readable.

Obviously you would have to be a little careful if you take it out during a storm but most Phones have a degree of waterproofness. The later ones more so.

Re: Which waterproof phone case?

I have used an Aquapac for all my Challenges so far, but at home I use a Baco ziploc and planning to on the Challenge this year. Never let me down...so far 😂😂😂

Re: Which waterproof phone case?

High Lindy, I use an "aquapac" phone water proof cover and can highly recommend it. it has an adjustable lanyard and I hang it around my neck. I have used it for all my walks over the last year covering about 1200 miles in all weather conditions and will use it again on this years TGO.

Re: Which waterproof phone case?

Thank you folks, I did have a look at the aquapac bags.

Re: Which waterproof phone case?

Just purchased an Exped Zip seal for the challenge.

Re: Which waterproof phone case?

I’ve been using Lifeproof Fre cases on my iPhones in the last few years. I leave mine on all the time now. Doesn’t add much weight or volume. Waterproof. If the screen protector gets very wet, the touch screen tends to lose sensitivity. Cases to suit most models.

Re: Which waterproof phone case?

I found the waterproof case that I had a nuisance as it reduced screen sensitivity so much. I'm now using Noaks bags for very wet things like packrafting. They are just tougher ziplock bags but should last for ages and waterproof down to -10m (apparently). Otherwise normal ziplock bags seem to work well and you can wrap your phone in clingfilm to keep minor damp off it while you are using it.

Re: Which waterproof phone case?

Wrap your iPhone in two or three layers of cling film; it works superbly, costs next to nothing - important if you are a northerner - and the sensitivity of touching the screen is not lost. It is lightweight and the material is almost the same as the secondary double glazing sheets used by many a Trailstar/ tarp owner as a porch ground sheet, possibly not as durable, but then you are not going to be sitting on your phone.

Re: Which waterproof phone case?

Thank you for all your advice!

Re: Which waterproof phone case?

Hi Lindy
I tried an Aquapac case last year and didn't like it at all: clunky fastening and it filled up with condensation if any moisture got in. I am going to go back to an Aloksak, which I had always used previously, as sold by Uncle Bob among others.

Re: Which waterproof phone case?

Cat s41 phone.
No case needed.
Waterproof to 1.8m underwater. :grinning: