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Re: How are you all warming up?

Walking 10K per day minimum helps me get ready. Moving to eating the same as I will on the TGO may help. I am not lazy but suffer from inertia so getting out to the pool has been a problem. Andy - the idea of a 20Kg bag is good for training but you really could be down to 12Kg without major problems. That would help the enjoyment for sure. I am being generous and allowing for base weight of 6Kg - 7Kg MAX baseweight. Food of 1.2 Kg per day = 5Kg for five days then restock from drop box. Total 12Kgs plus water and scotch. May Peace Prevail On Earth and on the TGO

Re: How are you all warming up?

Walking in to the Hill & Mountain Walking Club 'Black Sail' weekend....

Re: How are you all warming up?

Left Scotland (-2°C) to fly to Australia for a week or so (30°C)...I've warmed up! :sunglasses: :joy:

Re: How are you all warming up?

I quite enjoy a bit of inertia as it happens.

Re: How are you all warming up?

Having had a virus for 3 months my walking until 2 weeks ago was just about nil. Walking around 4 miles most days with 12kgs. Luckily have a short sharp 1 in 6 hill near us so that’s a 3 times up and down for interval training to get the heart rate up. Been doing a few long walks around 10 miles. Sue much fitter. Will throw in a few 15 mile plus in the build up and a wild camp or two in the garden maybe ⛺️😏😁

Re: How are you all warming up?

I've bought a Challenge Chair from Gaynors, and a new 2.8L Platypus Canteen & Ortlieb A4 mapcase from Lightweight Bob. Plus a HUGE box of dried food from the excellent Mountain Trails. Ooh, and a new porch groundsheet for Trinnie Trailstar, so my guests are comfortable at our soirées.

Did I mention the new Rucsac and Snazzy headtorch?

Retail therapy. You can't beat it.

I see Lord Elpus has been thrashing about the northwest of Scotland and is now marching about somewhere grim and ghastly in northern England! This never ends well...


Re: How are you all warming up?

Your obviously a kit freak. Mind you I have bought an extremely nice (heavy) Hilleberg Nallo ‘Classic’ from a bloke on here who guarantees it won’t leak, blow down or get wet inside during the challenge.... I believe it coz he is a legend! Meanwhile, it’s a jaunt for two weeks 😖😏😁

Re: How are you all warming up?

Oh! Come on you lot it's a doddle 😳😳😳

Re: How are you all warming up?

I have been painting the old rental house I moved into, which I didn't realize works so many unknown muscles... walking to my job at the cafe which is just down the hill, but then walking home as well. On afternoons I take a journey up the hill above my house or out along the highway with my pack fully loaded. This week however, I caught a head cold so have been sleeping on the couch all week and slacking on my workouts. I fly to Boston on the 28th and will do some major walking and site seeing before arriving in Scotland May 4th... then its massive site seeing before the hike starts. I figure I should have quite a few miles put on my feet by start day. HAHA!!
My son and I have races to see who can get their tents put up faster. Im a good mom and kick his butt. All 15 year old boys need to know their mom rules! ha

Re: How are you all warming up?

Warming Up?
I have 2 Labradors to take out each day.
That's it.
Ok, I'm also currently nursing a calf strain after a hamstring pull.
Days 1 to 3 of the Challenge are there to get the training sorted out.
I have never added some additional training in for the TGOC, that's just binge fitness. Best idea is just stay fit (says the bloke with a catalogue of injuries since Dec :confused:)

I do hope your pack isn't really 20K Andy. That's errr.. mentally heavy. Mine will be approx. 25lb (whatever that is in new money) with 3 days food.

Re: How are you all warming up?

More freezing solid than warming up. Set off across the proper north of Scotland (central Sutherland) with TGO kit and 3 days' food just over a week ago. A few hours in, descending from a bealach,I slipped on snow covering loose rock and pulled a hamstring. Thought about SOS function on SPOT tracker but decided hypothermia more of a risk than sore leg and hobbled down with poles. Eventually found a bothy for the night which was good because I couldn't have put up the tent. -8C overnight and snowed hard. In the morning tried help rather than SOS function on SPOT as my life wasn't actally in danger. Waited several hours but no-one came. More hobbling. Found habitation with phone. Called hubby who had just seen message 9 hours after I sent it. Got a lift home. Still ended up in hospital a couple of days later with something else, probably caused by cold and exhaustion. Now home trying straight leg exercises as I :ambulance:still can't reliably weight bear.

I have always done a pre-challenge training walk for a few days, but am beginning to think they're over-rated. Best to wait to injure yourself on tne actual Challenge!

Re: How are you all warming up?

Vanessa .... Sorry to hear about your injuries and difficulties. Hopefully you will recover in time for the TGO. They do highlight the need for anyone alone in the wilderness to have the skills and gear needed to survive. When hypothermia sets in the ability to survive is greatly diminished due to decision issues. As I get older I now bring a Garmin InReach that enables calling SOS in the event of major emergency. The greatest strength one can have is skills and a plan for hunkering down if needed and knowing exactly where you are at any given point. Never be hungry, Never be wet, never be cold, and never ever be exhausted. Peace and lets all hope for reasonable weather on this years TGO but even if not let's just have a good time anyway.

Re: How are you all warming up?

Thanks, Dara. Intetestingly, I was looking at the Garmin Inreach while in Patagonia in February as I discovered SPOT had poor coverage there. Will Copestake, who was my kayak guide (and who I have known since he was a wee lad, but didn't know was working there when I booked the trip - small world!) recommended it.

For me, the incident really highlighted the limitations ofthe SPOT. For the last 5 years I have only used the OK and "Ok but running late functions" and hadn't thought much (or talked to my husband) about the circumstances in which I would call for help. The problem I had was the inability to say what I needed, which was transport, not emergency rescue, or to know whether my message was received. Because I have a heart condition, which is registered with the SPOT people, it would be quite likely that a helicopter would be dispatched when all that was actually wrong with me was a sore leg.

So I am about to take out a 2nd mortgage and order the Inreach, safety and peace of mind being more important than money. I am not ready to give up wandering the hills alone and where I live means that I do a lot of that.

Thanks for your good wishes and I hope you enjoy your Challenge as much as I intend to enjoy mine. There is intensive physio taking place between hobbling after lambs (lambing in full swing here).


Re: How are you all warming up?

Hi Vanessa,

I'm sorry to hear about your injury.
I also ordered an Inreach device, but I ended up getting a Delorme instead of a Garmin. Delorme was bought out by Garmin and Garmin is honoring the Delorme devices on their software. The only difference between the two is that the Delorme device has a slightly smaller screen and is $200 cheaper... Might be something for you to consider!!

Re: How are you all warming up?

Thanks for the tip, Katie. That $200 is very appealing!