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Re: GPS (Satmap Active 10, 12, 20 - Garmin eTrex 10, 20, 30)

Like John J says - no contest! If you've a smartphone, why, that has GPS functionality. I use the phone GPS for when I'm, ah, geographically challenged. I happen to have my route on my phone - so it's cute to get a GPS fix and see what's up. But I gave up carrying a discrete GPS years ago . . .

Re: GPS (Satmap Active 10, 12, 20 - Garmin eTrex 10, 20, 30)

I've got a Garmin eTrex10 bought mainly for geocaching, and just like willie todd, mine lies unused and I rely on my android smartphone. The eTrek10 has a very low resolution black and white screen, it has very limited memory with no ability to install a SD card and no magnetic compass so you can only obtain a bearing to a target by moving around a few metres randomly and trying to judge where the needle is pointing. The screen got badly scratched so I bought a protective case but it was too late. The menu and navigating through it is very clunky and reminiscent of a ZX Spectrum. GPS devices are available that have proper mapping but they cost hundreds of pounds.
Quite frankly as my phone is weather proof and provides lots of storage with a high resolution colour screen and I am carrying it anyway, it is no contest with the Garmin.

Re: GPS (Satmap Active 10, 12, 20 - Garmin eTrex 10, 20, 30)

You are going to be carrying paper maps in one form or another (aren't you?) so should only need a GPSR to fix your position incase you become navigationally challenged! So I suggest picking up a light weight Garmin etrex or better still a Dakota which will run on a couple of AA batteries all day. You can actually steal the batteries from your radio or torch in extremis so don't need to carry extras. With the Dakota you can install a micro sd card with OS or open source mapping and then use it outwith the Challenge, I use mine for Geocaching where it will not use any data allowance from your phone. That's my way and it suits me but each to their own.

Re: GPS (Satmap Active 10, 12, 20 - Garmin eTrex 10, 20, 30)

Wot Grumpy said.
My Etrex20 is rarely switched on, its used mostly just to confirm my position when I'm having a brain fart.
The battery life on my compass and paper maps is quite remarkable...

Re: GPS (Satmap Active 10, 12, 20 - Garmin eTrex 10, 20, 30)

I just got a new Garmin InReach which has much improved coverage and capabilities including bidirectional messaging. I will be hiking the CWT after the TGO. As a solo hiker of a certain age it behooves me to have the emergency comms capability. My only need for it is in the case of real emergency or trauma. You cannot put the OS generated route maps into the Garmin which is a pain but they can be put into an iPhone . Beware of some phone GPS apps as they are not always really accurate in my experience so do not trust them for navigating in dangerous terrain. Best is still paper map and compass in my view with GPS as a backup.

Re: GPS (Satmap Active 10, 12, 20 - Garmin eTrex 10, 20, 30)

For me its basically what others have said. I carry map and compass that is my main nav setup. As an aid to that I have a Garmin watch that I can turn on if I need a quick GPS fix - then its GPS is turned off and back to M&C. Its quick and it works for me. We have phones with us - but recently (luckily locally) my viewranger maps became fubarred when using them on a walk. I have also had the frustration of using the phone when it is p1ss1ng down and it not scrolling / zooming etc. So I would not use that as a primary method. It is very difficult for a map to get 'broken'. If I need to scroll I move it left or right, and zooming in and out can be achieved by moving the map nearer or further away. I am thinking of writing a book on advanced navigation methods. :grin:

So they are all backups to my M&C. On top of that I carry an inreach for logging distance, the exact track we take (which I can geotag photos with when we get back) and comms if we absolutely need it anywhere. Comms back to base has been useful in the past when there is no signal. So in summary, we have belt, braces, and Keepy uppies (whatever they are). Oh and big heavy packs. :smile: