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Re: First Time Challange

Hi Joseph
As you will have gathered, Sheil Bridge is a popular start point.
Reading up on the various blogs you will quickly notice that certain towns like Fort Augustus, Newtonmore and Braemar are popular so if you head to them you are going to meet people.
The only other comment I would make is to pack up you tent reasonably early in the morning so that you don't get left behind. Unless you walk really fast, challengers will catch up with you.


Re: First Time Challange

Hi Joe and welcome to the challenge.

The challenge isn't like Glastonbury where people who have never been before meet up and go together. The challenge is all about walking on your own and unexpectedly bumping into people, in lots of different places! Relax and have confidence in your own skills and just enjoy it.

Re: First Time Challange

Hi Joseph

I’m a first timer starting from Shiel Bridge and will look out for you.

As it’s my first Challenge I’m really looking forward to doing it solo but also looking forward to chatting with a variety of Challengers along the way and learning from their experiences. I’m looking forward to going at my own pace, stopping to admire the views, looking after my feet, making a brew, having a rest and starting each day at whatever time I fancy.

I’m also staying at the Kintail Lodge on 10th May with my wife who’s dropping me off. It’s our wedding anniversary. She’s hopefully joining me for the Braemar to Ballater day.

I’ve read many Challenge blogs and don’t think we’ll be short of company along the way. I hope we can chat on our crossings at some stage. I’ll be the one who looks as apprehensive as you feel :confused:

All the best and let’s hope the weather is reasonably kind to us


Re: First Time Challange

Can't remember if I've already asked you this Paul, but what day are you planning on walking from Braemar to Ballater? I'm planning on doing that on Monday 21st.

Re: First Time Challange

Sorry, Chris - just seen this.

We’ll be doing the Braemar to Ballater day on Monday, 21st too. I’m hoping to have a day off in Braemar on Sunday if I’m on schedule. We’ll be leaving after a big breakfast hopefully :grinning:

Re: First Time Challange

Like you, I'm a first time challenger setting off from Shiel bridge - I've planned a low level route on what I think will be some of the busiest paths on the Challenge - Fort Augustus, Newtonmore and Braemar are the main stopping points.
I'm not leaving until Saturday 12th (partly to avoid the busiest days on the early sections, partly because life outside walking is constraining), will look out for you en route if I catch up.

I've always enjoyed walking on my own and meeting up with new people along the way - for me its the best of both worlds

My route has been okayed by the vetters so I'm good to go.

Hope to see you on the hills.

Re: First Time Challange

Hi Joseph,

I'll be starting from Shiel Bridge and will look out for you. I'm going over the Falls of Glomach then to Glen Elchaig.

If you are travelling on the bus from Glasgow, you are bound to meet other Challengers. I'll be on the morning bus.



Re: First Time Challange

You'll be absolutely fine Joseph.
A few nerves isn't necessarily a bad thing, it shows that you're taking it seriously. Shiel Bridge is a VERY sociable and popular start point, I'll bet your route will have almost planned itself!
One thing that has been mentioned once or twice in the various replies you've had: the Challenge is a sociable event, you're not going to spend a huge amount of time on your own!
See you in Montrose.

Re: First Time Challange

Hi Joseph,
To my utter shame, I actually managed to talk myself out of doing the TGO for the first time some years ago as I wasn't sure whether or not I was mentally up for doing it solo. Then someone invited me to join their group, which I jumped at the chance to do. I have very clear memories of the beginning of the second day thinking to myself "I could have done this solo, of course I could. What on earth was I thinking?!"
I became one of the many Challenge addicts from that trip and have since done it twice solo and loved it. I'll be doing it solo again this year, although not from Shiel Bridge so I may not meet you, at least not on day 1 anyway,.
Like Phil said earlier, you meet loads more people by doing it solo and I've made some really close friendships, quite unexpectedly and whilst in the middle of nowhere at times.
What I would say is, don't be put off like I was initially. It can be a daunting prospect until you get going, but once you do you may very well be joining our gang of addicts!
Hope that helps.

Re: First Time Challange

hi all thank you very much for the kind words and some great advice such a great community on here!! ive had a chat and my mind has been at rest lol cant wait to go got all my gear sorted lol now to download some reading for the journey from devon to Scotland and back I would like to put this out there as well a massive thank you to ali and sue amazing people!! look forward to meeting you all at some point :grinning: